API Tools & Add-Ons

GoHighLevel CRM or Any Other... We got the tools for you!

Naturally Spoken

1129 Arnold St. NE, Grand Rapids MI 49011


Eleven Twenty Nine, Arnold Street, North East, Grand Rapids Michigan, 49011

$49.95 (Monthly) - This incredible tool will save you many hours of time and help your AI to speak like a human!

Multi-Language Translation

$99 (Monthly) - Add multi-language translation from any 127 languages to any other 127 languages


Ringless Voicemail RVM

Yeah, just point this API to the phone number that you want to send a ringless voicemail to and BAM!

Includes 1000 Ringless voicemails per month from a CRM or dialer, just got easy!

$0.12 Per Message

Note: this is just ringless voicemail used to send any audio file you want and does not include text-to-voice.


Or... More accurately text to HUMAN sounding voice using Eleven Labs Conversions

Use Our Eleven Labs Account Or Your Own

Our API gives you instant conversion of text to human sounding voice in your GoHighLevel CRM or any CRM or App that can send and receive a Webhook!

$0.10 per message (300 characters or less)

Record Your Own Voice! Click Here To Get Your FREE Eleven Labs Account

PropStream Sandwich

$49.95 (Monthly) - This tool Merges PropStream exported files and trace-skip files to make one great file with everything you need and then automatically imports the contacts into your GoHighLevel CRM!

Click Here To Get Your FREE 7 Day Trial of PropStream


Comprehensive property data for every step of your real estate investment strategy. PropStream is the all-in-one solution to manage your growing business. Don’t settle for having to use multiple systems or having inaccurate data.


Eleven Labs

Digitize Your Own Voice or Select From Thousands of Voices!

Experiment, Create All For FREE!

It's a great way to get your text to human to be perfectly human sounding!

Coming Soon!

AI Cold Call & Follow Up

Outbound & Inbound Calls that you script and train just like you train a new sales person!

Intelligent, perfectly human sounding, makes the call, eliminates the arguments and books the appointment with a human to close the deal!


Advanced AI Chat

Human Sounding AI Chat that has personality that you pick and the information about your company and industry to allow it to chat intelligently!

This is NOT just another Chatbot! This is ChatGPT with our own twist!


Database Reactivation

We take your dead leads that are just gathering dust and "REACTIVATE" them!

We DELIVER the first 10 qualified leads Absolutely FREE!

We make the calls, qualify the leads and book the appointments for your staff to close the deals!

NEWLY RELEASED! Intelligent Lead Generation & Lead Assignment

We provide top-shelf leads, completely qualified for your industry.

Our newly developed API will also assign your leads to your reps based on their geographic proximity using real-time mapping!

We provide this as a service or a product so contact us for pricing and lets get you more leads on your calendar and more assignments without the hassle!


Lead Qualification Conversation Review

How did that conversation go?

Maybe the prospect said: "No, I'm not ready but get back to me in 1 year and we can talk" But, your CRM heard "No" and dumped them in the "NO" bucket.

We can fix that for every conversation that you have and will ever have!

Bulk Voicemails Don't have to sound impersonal.


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